Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The time has come

Remember when a certain movie was filmed practically in my backyard?

Oh yes. That's right. It's finally coming atcha. Though I'm sorry to say, it doesn't look like this movie will be set in space like we originally thought/hoped.

Even without the space element, still just as bizarre as I imagined it would be. Coming to a theater near you, but probably not for long...


Carter said...

Yeah, that was awesome when that big boat thing was in our parking lot for several weeks.

Plus I know Ryan Little! We made films together back in the day.

lisa said...

No way! I remember really liking Saints and Soldiers, so we'll see how this one goes. I already committed my next free movie tickets from IL to this.

Sarah said...

no. no. no. no. no.


just no.


just a little bit mo said...

Moby Dick, eh?