Friday, May 21, 2010

Quick vacation plans, anyone?

My family’s selling a couple weeks of a timeshare for next month at some great prices. They’re such nice resorts, we don’t want them to go to waste! Let me know if you or anyone you know is interested!

Royal Caribbean Resort in Cancun, Mexico—June 12 to 19, only $75/night
Marriot in Branson, Missouri—June 18 to 25, only $60/night
I want a vacation.


kimi + joe said...

Wowza, Joe and I are interested in Branson. His best friend (aside from me) lives nearby. Does the week need to be taken in its entirety or only 3 days?

You can email me directly at if you'd like.

lisa said...

will do!

Shannon said...

Oh my that sounds nice. $75/night in Cancun?!? I would so be interested, but unfortunately that's the week we are going to be in CA. Hope someone else gets a nice trip out of it!
PS-I'm going to be in Provo tonight. Any chance you're free to meet up for a little chat? I'll call you on my way down.

Emily Heider said...

I'M INTERESTED in the Cancun one!! I'll call you!! :-)

Megan said...

i would so go to Cancun but I'll be at girl's camp keeping twelve year olds from killing each other. Blast.