Sunday, November 1, 2009

Best Halloween costume ever

Or maybe worst. You decide.

Ryan was walking on campus yesterday and suddenly hears Tetris music in the air. A girl passes him dressed as the upside-down L-shape in Tetris. As he watches, she drops into place next to a trash can (perfect fit) and then moves on, stopping momentarily to connect herself to other various objects along her way.

I say, Awesome.


Shannon said...

Ok, I say very creative. I think the best part is that she was attaching herself to random objects while walking around campus. Too funny. Ahh sometimes I miss BYU.

Andrea said...

I miss BYU too. Do you remember the year that the corn tortilla throwing at the football games was an issue? That Halloween a guy glued corn tortillas all over his body with blood spilling out from them. It was hilarious.

Tara said...

hahaha that is so byu. love it.

Alexis said...

The music and the positioning are a nice touch. That's not a costume. That's a show!

Nicole Leavitt said...

I love playing tetris on my phone so I say "Awesome!" as well!