Or maybe worst. You decide.
Ryan was walking on campus yesterday and suddenly hears Tetris music in the air. A girl passes him dressed as the upside-down L-shape in Tetris. As he watches, she drops into place next to a trash can (perfect fit) and then moves on, stopping momentarily to connect herself to other various objects along her way.
I say, Awesome.
Ok, I say very creative. I think the best part is that she was attaching herself to random objects while walking around campus. Too funny. Ahh sometimes I miss BYU.
I miss BYU too. Do you remember the year that the corn tortilla throwing at the football games was an issue? That Halloween a guy glued corn tortillas all over his body with blood spilling out from them. It was hilarious.
hahaha that is so byu. love it.
The music and the positioning are a nice touch. That's not a costume. That's a show!
I love playing tetris on my phone so I say "Awesome!" as well!
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